PayiQ has launched a new product generation of its Ticketing as a Service platform. The focal point of product development has been the improvement of usability.
Performance and speed of the whole system has been optimized in the latest product launch. At the same time the fraud prevention at the core of the platform has been developed so that possible misuse cases are even easier to detect and prevent.
The improvements on performance have a direct effect on end users as the apps function faster. Overall, product development has focused on the usability of the apps. Registration process has been unified and the displaying of tickets renewed. It’s now possible to buy any previously bought ticket type easily again without the selection of possible zones and categories. This is a handy feature especially for those customers who usually buy the same ticket type. Another end user’s time-saving new feature is the possibility to change phone number in the settings. This reduces the amount of support requests and makes it possible for end users to continue using operator billing without delay. In addition, the appearance of the apps has been unified and modernized.
Available payment methods have a new addition: easy and secure Apple Pay. Another novelty is the possibility to buy public transport tickets via Pivo mobile app. Pivo users don’t need to register, give user information or choose payment methods as all this information is already in the Pivo app. Bus tickets can be bought with Pivo in Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Lahti, Oulu and five other Finnish cities.
The management and editability of products in the system’s administration portal has been further improved. Product texts and descriptions can be modified in more diverse ways and changes easily previewed. We have also refined the functionalities and appearance of our own ticket validator.
“We have worked in close cooperation with our clients on the new product versions. Functionalities and usability have been developed from both merchants’ and of course from end users’ point-of-view. This collaboration is a central part of our project in the Young Innovative Company program. Close working relations will become even closer through our expanding partner network. This contribution has a huge impact on our own competitiveness, as well our partners’ and clients’ competitiveness on national and especially global markets” says PayiQ’s CEO Tuomo Parjanen.