GreenImpact®– New Feature of Seutu+

GreenImpact®– New Feature of Seutu+
PayiQ has added GreenImpact® feature to Seutu+ app. This service combines commuter benefit system with CO2 and mobility summary and encourages users to save CO2 through gamification. GreenImpact® also aims to support companies of the region in meeting Scope 3 emissions requirements.

Seutu+ service allows users to buy seasonal and series tickets for regional transport in the regions of Southwest Finland and Satakunta. The service has been growing fast in number of users, new routes and ticket selection. With the commuter benefit system and GreenImpact® onboard Seutu+ is now also addressing the corporate sector.

PayiQ has now added its GreenImpact® service to Seutu+. GreenImpact® is a tool for encouraging people towards carbon neutral mobility. It automatically detects the user’s mode of transport and calculates its CO2 savings and emissions. Combined with PayiQ’s commuter benefit system, the service allows companies to easily administrate commuter benefit and fulfill the upcoming Scope 3 emission reporting requirements on work-related travel. GreenImpact® uses gamification and rewards to encourage users to choose climate-friendly transport modes such as public transport, walking and cycling. Precise mode detection also allows companies to substitute surveys which aim to understand how people are travelling to work with GreenImpact’s automatic sharp-data service.  

“We trust that GreenImpact® in Seutu+ would be an important tool to support decarbonization initiatives on the regional and corporate level. Seutu+ is used for regular travel in a wide area so this opens new markets for our combined commuter benefit and emission reporting service. In response to the requirements companies are facing, we have developed a unique solution that addresses critical sustainability challenges. Our solution not only reports CO2 emissions and savings, but also actively educates users on how CO2 can be reduced in everyday life,” tells PayiQ’s CEO Elena Lipchenko.

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