Timo Tuukkanen will start as PayiQ’s Chief Operating Officer on September 15th. The company is seeking rapid international growth and strengthens its competence by hiring a professional in international sales and business development.
Timo Tuukkanen has over 25 years’ experience in international IT solutions business. He has worked in various sales management, marketing and business development positions within industry leaders like Bentley Systems and Intergraph. Tuukkanen has a comprehensive working history in infrastructure, public services and utilities markets across Northern & Eastern Europe and Russia.
“As our company is expanding internationally we need more employees and Timo’s main task will be precisely international sales development. Timo already knows the operational environment and his extensive experience in international markets is an invaluable asset to us” says PayiQ’s CEO Tuomo Parjanen and adds: “We are continuing to expand our operations in Russia and the Middle East and new opportunities are opening up in several countries. Having Timo onboard will give a new boost to our international operations.”